S01E10: Role of the Investor

by The Oblique Life 0 min September 3, 2022
The Oblique Life Global Goals
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The financial and capital markets keep economies moving. Episode 10 explores the role of investors – who secure public funds, underpin multinational companies and enable startups to connect and scale – in sustainable production and consumption. We talk about the importance of managing risk and streamlining standards and disclosure that do not deter issuers, but still give investors confidence – all whilehowthey assess and fund companies is evolving. Monetising impact and patient capital are high on the agenda. Regulators are increasingly focused on sustainability, and this is predicted to take even more momentum in the future. Our speakers give recommendations, from credit ratings integrating environment, social and governance metrics, to the investor community and products diversifying further so as to distribute capital more equitably.

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The Oblique Life Global Goals

The Oblique Life

The Oblique Life helps organisations and individuals maximise their socio-economic and environmental impact. To help our clients achieve this goal we have divided our services into three areas: Education and awareness around sustainability and the United nations SDGs, engagement with pioneering leaders who are driving positive changes for the future, investment into impactful and innovative organisations across the globe. Above all, our solutions are delivered at the nexus of inclusion, sustainability and growth which we believe is essential if organisations and individuals are to have the impact our world needs.