What is feature engineering?

Feature engineering involves systematically transforming raw data into meaningful and informative features (predictors). It is an indispensable process in machine learning and data science

This process is not merely a technical procedure but a blend of art and science, requiring both domain expertise and analytical skills. Feature engineering helps to encapsulate important aspects of the data that significantly enhance the performance of machine learning algorithms. 

Despite the advancements in deep learning and automated feature extraction techniques, the manual process of feature engineering remains a critical step for many models, especially in scenarios where domain knowledge can significantly influence the outcome.

Steps involved in feature engineering 

Feature engineering entails curating, refining and optimizing data attributes to empower machine learning models for improved performance and predictive accuracy.

Step 1: Data collection

In feature engineering, data collection is the process of gathering varied data sets from different sources that are relevant to the problem domain or forecasting task at hand.

Step 2: Exploratory data analysis (EDA)

EDA is the process of visually and quantitatively examining data sets to find patterns, correlations and insights prior to formal modeling. 

Exploratory data analysis (EDA) process

Step 3: Feature generation

This step involves creating new features or modifying existing ones to capture more information based on domain knowledge or data transformations.

Step 4: Feature selection

In this step, the most relevant features are chosen for modeling to avoid redundancy and overfitting. In the context of feature engineering, redundancy and overfitting relate to the inclusion of excessively identical or unnecessary data and developing models that perform well on training data but badly on test data.

Step 5: Encoding categorical variables and handling missing values

Categorical variables are data points that belong to distinct, limited categories or groups. This data is converted into numerical form for analysis. Then, missing data is addressed through imputation (filling in missing or incomplete data points) or deletion.

Step 6: Scaling and normalization

Scaling and normalization are techniques used to adjust the range of numerical values in a data set. Scaling brings all values into a similar range, while normalization adjusts values to fit within a specific range (often between 0 and 1 or -1 and 1). These techniques ensure numerical features are standardized to a common scale to prevent biases.

Step 7: Dimensionality reduction

Dimensionality reduction involves reducing the number of features in a data set while preserving relevant information and minimizing redundancy. Principal component analysis (PCA) and other similar techniques are frequently used for dimensionality reduction. By locating and keeping the most important characteristics, the PCA technique reduces the dimensionality of the data set while retaining as much variance as possible.

Key steps for computing principal components

Step 8: Validation and testing

It involves assessing the performance of engineered features through validation and testing on models.

Step 9: Iteration and improvement

This step involves continuously improving and iterating feature engineering procedures in response to continuous evaluations of model performance and feedback loops.

Various feature engineering techniques

Various techniques can be employed in feature engineering, depending on the nature of the problem and the data. These include binning, encoding categorical features, feature crossing and polynomial feature creation.


Binning involves grouping continuous data into distinct categories, simplifying analysis. For example, market volatility levels can be categorized as low, medium and high.

Encoding categorical features

This technique converts categories into numeric values for algorithm processing, like assigning a numerical label to each type of cryptocurrency, such as Bitcoin (BTC) as 1, Ether (ETH) as 2 and Litecoin (LTC) as 3, allowing models to process these numbers numerically for analysis.

Feature crossing

Feature crossing combines features to form new, informative ones, such as merging volume and market sentiment in crypto trading to predict prices.

Polynomial feature creation

This method creates features with polynomial combinations of existing ones to model non-linear relationships, like using squared temperature values in energy consumption models.

Role of features in predictive modeling for cryptocurrencies

Features are the building blocks used in predictive modeling, allowing algorithms to discover patterns, correlations and behaviors in the cryptocurrency ecosystem. They supply the basic data points that make the models accurate and dependable.

These characteristics include key data that has been gathered from multiple sources, including historical price data, sentiment analysis of the market, blockchain metrics and technical indicators. Every feature provides information on a particular facet or attribute of the cryptocurrency market, including fundamental metrics, investor sentiment, volatility and trends.

By intelligently selecting and transforming these features, a machine learning model can be made more accurate and reliable, capable of handling the unpredictability inherent in the crypto markets.

Handling missing or incomplete data in cryptocurrency data sets

Strategies for handling missing or incomplete cryptocurrency data involve imputation, dropping, predictive modeling and context-based analysis for effective data set management.

Firstly, missing values for numerical data can be filled in using data imputation techniques like mean, median or mode substitution, preserving the integrity of the data set. For categorical data, using the most frequent category or employing techniques like forward or backward filling can be effective.

If there is a large amount of missing data that doesn’t substantially affect the analysis, another strategy is to remove the rows or columns that have it. Regression and machine learning algorithms are examples of predictive models that can be used to estimate missing values based on patterns in the existing data.

Furthermore, for informed handling, taking into account the context and cause of missing data is essential. Future problems can be avoided by putting strong data collection procedures in place and routinely verifying the integrity of the data. Combining these techniques with a thorough understanding of the data set can help lessen the impact of incomplete or missing data in cryptocurrency data sets.

How AI helps enhance feature engineering for cryptocurrency analysis

AI and machine learning bolster cryptocurrency analysis through advanced feature engineering, extracting insights for informed decision-making in volatile markets.

Cryptocurrency analysts can get a competitive edge by utilizing AI and machine learning in feature engineering. Large volumes of data can be processed quickly due to these technologies, making it possible to find pertinent patterns and indicators essential for comprehending crypto market behavior. 

AI-powered algorithms excel in recognizing intricate relationships within cryptocurrency markets, extracting valuable features from raw data, such as price movements, trading volumes, market sentiment and network activity.

By analyzing these variables using sophisticated approaches, machine learning models can identify intricate patterns that may be invisible to human observers. They make it possible to develop predictive models that anticipate market patterns, identify anomalies and enhance trading tactics. Furthermore, AI-driven feature engineering improves its forecast accuracy over time by adjusting to shifting market conditions.

Written by Jagjit Singh