GroestlCoin (GRS) is a cryptocurrency utilizing the Groestl algorithm.

It is possibly the single most GPU-efficient algorithm implemented in any cryptocoin on the market. A comparison between many different algorithms shows that it has the lowest power consumption, heat, and noise of the array of newer ones being implemented in cryptocoins. GroestlCoin is also notably accommodating for CPU mining as well, with only a 5x-10x hash difference between CPU/GPU – a much smaller spread than that of Scrypt coins. This means that everybody, especially including those who can’t afford or want to invest in expensive mining equipment, can mine GroestlCoin and get reasonable rewards. Through these features GroestlCoin embodies the fairly distributed & decentralized nature of Cryptocurrency. Anyone can mine effectively, with minimal resource consumption and nuisance. With the influx of scrypt ASICs we thought decentralized mining will soon be dead, with GroestlCoin it is reborn and taken to another level. 


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