As expected, the price of Bitcoin (BTC) rose dramatically after its halving event. After its halving, the altcoin season begins. Investors know that Bitcoin’s price is cyclical, only halving once every four years, and altcoins with small market caps can explode in price as investors look for alternatives.
Picking an altcoin to invest in involves an element of gambling. Of course, it would be better to know exactly which coin will rise in price next.
Seasonal tokens were designed to rise in price relative to each other in predictable sequences. Once Spring tokens predictably rise in value, then Summer tokens will. Afterward, Autumn and Winter tokens rise and then Spring once again. An investor can hold Spring tokens and trade them for Summer tokens, which will again rise in price before subsequently trading them for Autumn tokens.
By trading these tokens cyclically, investors can continually increase the total number they own. An investor who habitually token swaps — for example, three Spring tokens for five Summer tokens — is guaranteed to hold more tokens in total after every trade. The risk of incurring a loss can be eliminated.
Trading cryptocurrencies for profit is competitive: When traders are competing for a fixed quantity of something, scarcity results. If a loss occurs for every profit, then it’s gambling and not investing.
When the amount increases over time, all traders can end up with more. These tokens have been designed to allow investors to take advantage of new tokens as they’re added to the market, instead of profiting from the losses of other traders.
Token prices are driven by supply and demand, produced by mining and can be used for farming. Once every nine months, the production rate of one of the seasonal tokens is cut in half. Four months later, that token will become more valuable for farming. Each token then becomes the cheapest of the four to produce and the least valuable for farming.
This combination of seasonal supply and demand puts pressure on the tokens’ relative prices, making it profitable to trade them cyclically. Market prices rely on trader behavior, which can never be predicted with certainty. Yet the pressure on a price, from reduced mining supply to increased farming demand, is specified in code and entirely predictable.
Investors who frequently token swap will incur profit. A profit measured in dollars can’t be guaranteed, but with each token’s production rate halving every three years, they will become increasingly difficult to obtain over time. In twenty years, they’ll be produced at less than 1% of today’s rate. Buying and mining them now is better than doing it later.
Spring tokens are currently the cheapest of the four to produce, the least valuable for farming and the cheapest to buy. In June 2022, its rate of production will halve and the production cost will double. Spring will then become the most expensive to produce, and in October will become the most valuable for farming. During the following months, the Spring token’s price can be expected to rise above the price of Summer, which will then be the cheapest to produce and the least valuable for farming.
Today’s market conditions are temporary and will change with the seasons: This is why knowing what the future holds makes it possible to make wise investments. These tokens have been designed to make these investment opportunities arise more than five times as often as Bitcoin does. Making it possible to profit without risking loss and by removing the need to choose one’s next investment provides an opportunity to use cryptocurrency trading purely for investment — removing the gambling aspect of each trade.
Visit the website to learn how to buy, trade, mine and farm seasonal tokens.