In recent years, popular social media platforms have become outrageously lucrative. Instagram, acquired by Facebook for only $1 billion, is now worth over $100 billion. Snapchat has reached a value of $120 billion, Pinterest was recently valued at more than $50 billion and TikTok is now worth $100 billion. The great potential of photo and video sharing platforms has caught the public's eye and attracted massive investments. Today, most social networks are organized and operated based on the “Creator Economy” in which users contribute content and engage in social activities. These social networks have centralized revenue models where the platform makes a fortune at the expense of user data and privacy. The real content creators are never compensated nor are they even acknowledged.

Pixie is the world’s first fully functional decentralized photo and video sharing social network based on blockchain crypto economics. Pixie, like a crypto version of TikTok or Instagram, encourages users to create quality content and interact constructively with fellow users, thus all the content can circulate inside Pixie effectively. The concept of “Social Crypto Earning” in Pixie should not be just a slogan but a benign value incentive based on users' social behaviors. It should guide users to contribute more valuable content and activities to Pixie. Pixie constructs a brand-new “Creator Cryptoeconomy” model totally different from the centralized revenue models of other social network platforms that monetize users’ data and infringe upon their privacy. Pixie will work with all its users to build and develop a decentralized social network where users can manage and share profits together.


Pixie believes that higher-quality content can promote more social activities such as likes, comments, reposts and traffic data. Ordinary content will not gain as much attention or even no attention at all, and possibly even reduce interaction on the platform. Thus, higher-quality content receiving more social activity should earn more of the native token PIX. In addition, Pixie believes that if a post receives a larger number of likes and reposts, otherwise known as quality content, users who liked or reposted it earlier would receive more PIX than a post with a very small number of likes and reposts, or ordinary content. Even users who liked or reposted it very early wouldn’t receive as many PIX. This way, quality digital content would be rewarded and so are the users who engaged in valuable social activities around the content in the early stage. In Pixie, the user's influence or Weight in the platform by the amount of PIX they hold was introduced. The greater the Weight, the more PIX they will be rewarded for each social activity and the more rights and interests they will have in the application. To discourage abusive social activities such as indiscriminate liking and posting, Pixie has pioneered the concept of Energy management. In Pixie, every social activity consumes Energy, and once the Energy has been used up, users cannot participate in any more social activities until their Energy is replenished automatically over time.

Pixie incorporates NFTs into its social media platform where every photo, video, music and digital artwork can be easily cast into NFT. This will thoroughly protect user-generated content and ownership rights. Taking advantage of streamlined trading and the public verification process for NFTs, Pixie will launch an NFT exchange soon that anyone can participate in.

Pixie has introduced an innovative concept of NFT and designed an innovative application around it. Currently, how to fairly price NFTs presents challenges to the market. Traditional physical artworks have their own pricing mechanism, but how should NFTs be priced? In Pixie, how should we set the price of digital content published by users? Pixie believes that user-generated NFT content has sentimental value which includes the intrinsic value of content creators, participants and social interactions around the content. Therefore, Pixie has transformed the NFT pricing method so that it combines digital content with its social data to combine the creation value with the social aspects of digital content. During this process, users who engage in the content will be rewarded. Pixie uses the value of social interactions received within seven days after the NFTs are published as the reference value for the NFT. Pixie believes that quality digital content can be influential and achieve greater value based on more participation. Thus, Pixie prices NFTs through social interactions. Pixie will be the first NFT-based social media platform to fairly price and efficiently trade NFTs with an inherent social value.


Through the trading of PIX, Pixie will support the value monetization for PIX holders. At this moment, Pixie is promoting PIX to be listed in tier 1 exchanges, aiming to make it possible for every Pixie user to trade PIX as soon as possible. 

Of course, users will be very interested in the trading price of PIX after it has been listed. The more users and social interactions Pixie has and the better the quality of content, the higher the price PIX will have. By this point, you surely understand that the value of PIX comes from every creator of digital content and participants of social interactions, and the higher price of PIX will benefit every user.

Pixie has created a brand new digital world of Social Crypto-earning, similar to the concept of play-to-earn in GameFi. Will it take the internet by storm? We shall witness together!

Pixie is now available on Google Play and Apple Store. And you may visit the website and join Pixie now!