StarkWare and Bitcoin OGs’ support for Chakra enhances the BTC infrastructure landscape with a unique ZK-Driven restaking solution for shared security and long-term BTC value

Chakra, a pioneering force in ZK-driven Bitcoin restaking solutions, is delighted to announce the support from StarkWare and key players in the Bitcoin community. The investment unites a group of Bitcoiners who are passionate about enhancing a secure and revolutionary infrastructure for the Bitcoin Ecosystem. Notable contributions have been made by Coin, ABCDE, Qtum and Founder Patrick, Bixin Group Founder Xingkong, LongHash Ventures Co-founder Yan, and other prominent figures in the Bitcoin space.

"We anticipate substantial growth and success in the Bitcoin ecosystem over the next one to two years," said Eli Ben-Sasson, Co-founder and CEO of StarkWare. "Chakra should ride the hype, but optimize for technological independence and long-term fundamental BTC value.”

Chakra's ZK-driven Bitcoin restaking protocol, powered by ZK-STARK and Cairo, establishes a secure and robust Proof-of-Stake system for activating the liquidity of long-term held Bitcoin assets. This innovative approach provides decentralized services maintained by asset holders, signaling a paradigm shift in DeFi solutions.

Chakra's tech contributors are entirely composed of hardcore developers and engineers who have long been dedicated to reshaping the Crypto ecosystem through open-source software architecture and technology. Currently, the contributors have completed the development of the HotStuff-based consensus module and the independent development of Parallel EVM/CVM for Madara, the application chain stack of Starknet, which will also provide a more solid infrastructure for the underlying network of Chakra.

In a recent development, Chakra partnered with the Starknet ecosystem to unveil Devnet and introduced an ecosystem fund to inspire active developer participation in co-creating the Chakra ecosystem.

For more information about Charka and future updates, follow Chakra on Twitter, visit its website and join the communities.