The season two premiere of the animated science fiction series’ latest iteration focused on an NFT heist from a museum displaying digital artwork.
Future of Money News
With the appearance of cryptocurrency, the future of money has begun to form in a different way. No wonder, since using cryptocurrency involves not only technology or finance, but also social, political and other aspects of life as well. The impact of Bitcoin in the future of money has many obvious advantages, such as the capability of programming money for use in a certain way, fast and cheap money transfers — including international ones — the possibility to exchange cryptocurrency into all existing fiat currencies, provision of new businesses and jobs worldwide, endless security options, ability of storing important files safely on blockchain, etc. In addition, there are some future of money conferences which are meant to help learn more about cryptocurrency and its abilities.
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- Spotlight
Empowering both businesses and individuals, this platform is paving the way for a unified global payment system through crypto.
27286 - Analysis
Both Bitcoin and fiat currency are often in the firing line over ethical concerns, with a dedicated group of defenders and critics.
2662 - News
Geoffrey Hinton also warns that advanced AI could pose an existential threat within the next five to 20 years.
10394 - Opinion
Big banks have closed thousands of customer accounts without warning or explanation to their customers. Saturday Night Live treated victims like a joke.
2870 - Interview
Addressing the flaws of traditional money can help humanity build a more prosperous future by reducing inequality, according to pioneer cryptographer David Chaum.
1610 - New Year Special
Key industry figures in DeFi predict what trends will dominate the industry in 2024.
8404 - News
Uncertain regulatory conditions continue to have a negative impact on the sustainable growth of the DAO ecosystem, revealed a new European Central Bank Occasional Paper.
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The latest episode of the series, which first premiered in 1999, would have its audience believe humans (and robots) will still be mining Bitcoin in the year 3023.
19671 - Explained
Money’s history is extensive, yet modern currencies are primarily supported by the state’s management of the economy and inflation through fiat currency.
- Interview
A young Andreas Antonopolous in the making, a nine-year-old in the United Kingdom, tried to orange pill his classroom.
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Author and psychologist Jordan Peterson said that hyperinflation hurts those who are the pillars of society.
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The report awarded points to the fiat ecosystem for the safety and stability policy while highlighting that “Public oversight has helped achieve safe and robust payment systems.”
1827 - Analysis
The tools, toys and games available to teach kids about sound money and the Bitcoin network — after all, they’re the ones who will use it.
8256 - Interview
The industry will be able to “tap into future talent” as the partnership sees Judo Bank and Web3 firm Banxa co-creating content, hosting lectures, providing case studies and even giving students access to their networks.