
Alexander Kanen

Alexander Kanen is a well-known New York City attorney, speaker and entrepreneur, specializing in real estate, private equity and blockchain. Alexander is the chair of the Real Estate Working Group at the Wall Street Blockchain Alliance, a leading nonprofit, that guides the comprehensive adoption of blockchain technology within the financial and real estate industries, a Member of WSBA’s Legal Working Group, and serves on the New York Board of Directors of the International Real Estate Federation (FIABCI) with members in more than 50 countries. He also has Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. Involved with distributed ledger technology since early 2013, Alexander pioneered the concept of “Bitcoin closings," and currently advises domestic and international companies, high-net-worth individuals, family offices and private equity funds in all aspects and stages of commercial real estate transactions, including raising new capital through tokenized equity offerings and other asset-backed digital security issuances.