Personal Details

Adam Vaziri, currently living in London
College of Law
Université Robert Schuman (Strasbourg III)
Université Libre de Bruxelles
University of Sussex
Cité Scolaire Internationale de Lyon 
Professional experience and achievement
Adam is a tech-lawyer who moved into financial/gambling regulation. His interest in fintech led him — along with partner Neopay — to found Diacle, which provides legal, regulatory and accounting services to such companies.
Adam also lobbies governments and regulators around the world for what he describes as “an appropriate level of regulation of digital currencies.” He is also legal counsel for Seedcoin. 
Financial inclusion, job creation, fintech entrepreneurship, reducing cost friction through technology and encouraging — gradually through education and awareness — individual financial responsibility, democratization and decentralization of financial services, the use of alternative currencies to create a macroeconomic safety net against future world crises.
First experience with cryptocurrencies
Adam was first introduced to Bitcoin by his cousin, who was buying goods from China and mining at home.
Role in the Bitcoin community
Adam set up HackCoin, the first digital currency hackathon in the UK, with the aim of creating a thriving digital currency startup community. The event is held in association with University College London and includes experienced business mentors, investors, angels and incubators.
Adam is an avid proponent of cryptocurrencies and is invited to talk on and write about digital currency regulation and legal compliance issues. He has appeared on Singapore TV and the Financial Times online, and he has published a wide range of articles on crypto-remittances, crypto-crowdfunding and the regulation of digital currencies round the world.