Women perceive crypto as one of the most unattractive hobbies a man can have, even more so than watching anime, cosplaying or reading comic books, according to a recent survey.

Crypto was seen as the ninth-most unattractive hobby for males, the Aug. 24 survey by the Date Psychology blog found, which was a convenience sample of 814 people, 48% of which were female.

The authors noted that based on past surveys, their sample population disproportionately includes women of “high social status,” with a high level of education and who are predominately white.

Female respondents were asked if they found a list of 74 hobbies either “attractive” or “unattractive.” Only 23.1% said crypto was an attractive hobby, while around a third found comic books and cosplaying attractive.

It left crypto as the second-most unattractive so-called “nerd” hobby to women — behind collecting products from Funko, which makes pop culture and media-based bobblehead figures. 

Video games and magic tricks were also among the top most unattractive hobbies for surveyed women. Source: Date Psychology

It seems some men haven’t received the memo yet. 

When male respondents were asked which hobbies they thought females would find attractive, 13.7% believed women would be attracted to men in crypto.

However, most men responded that they thought women would find playing an instrument the most attractive hobby, and they were right.

The results show that females thought reading was the most attractive hobby for a man (98.2%), followed by knowing or learning a foreign language (95.6%) and playing an instrument (95.4%). 

Related: Women in crypto earn 15% more than men: Pantera Capital survey

They added that despite the survey results, hobbies should be based on what a person enjoys, and those choosing hobbies based on what others find attractive are unlikely to stick with them.

The latest survey results come after an April 2023 Pew Research poll of 10,701 United States adults, including 5,936 women, found women were more skeptical of investing in, trading or using crypto than men.

Just 10% of women in that survey had ever traded, used or invested in crypto, compared to 25% of surveyed men.

Of the women who had ever used crypto, nearly 40% responded that they don’t hold crypto anymore, compared to around 30% of men who used and sold it.

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