Premium Bonds arrive for the first time in the Crypto Market offering prizes of up to $240,000 only by holding KryptoBonds!


The Bonds industry in the UK has evolved to give investors the chance of winning big prizes instead of interest on their shares. Nowadays they have a market of 21 Million people investing over 60 Billion Pounds.


KryptoBonds aims to facilitate the broad use of Bonds in the Crypto Market by allowing KBS holders to diversify their portfolio and create a fun way to Invest, Save and Win through a raffle system.

KryptoBonds goes one step further implementing these bonds to the Crypto Industry with the advantages of the blockchain technology. Unlike other crypto initiatives, there is no need to purchase any tickets to participate in the draws. Only by owning or buying KBS you will have the chance to win monthly prizes of between $15,000 and $240,000, paid in cryptocurrency.

Why invest in KryptoBonds?

Investing in KryptoBonds is very straightforward. Every KryptoBond (KBS) you buy provides automatic dividends and has a unique identifier with a separate and equal chance of winning in a monthly prize draw. The more KBS you have, the more chances of winning.

Every Token invested has three ways to yield you returns: Token revaluation, Dividends and Monthly draws.


The ICO is capped at 90.000.000 KBS. The coins will be distributed in the following phases:

  • 4th December; Premium Sale, with an Exceptional price for investors.
  • 8th of January; Pre ICO starts - 8118 DAY! (More details on our social channels)
  • 10 days Presale with 66% Bonus Tokens (Price: $0.25)
  • 18th of January; ICO starts.
  • Weeks 1 & 2 – 20% Bonus Coins (Price: $0.60)
  • Weeks 3 & 4 – 13% Bonus Coins (Price: $0.65)
  • Weeks 5 & 6 – 7% Bonus Coins (Price: $0.70)
  • Week 7- End – 0% Bonus Coins (Price: $0.75)

After the ICO end, all unsold and unallocated Tokens will be burned.

Draws schedule

Draws are planned on the last Sunday of every month after launch. There will be two types of draws, for buyers and for holders, and 3 levels of prizes, JOY, BLISS, and the breathtaking ECSTASY!

  • Month 1. Buyer JOY Approximately $15,000 (paid in cryptocurrency).
  • Month 2. Holder JOY Approximately $15,000 (paid in cryptocurrency).
  • Month 3. Buyer BLISS Approximately $100,000 (paid in cryptocurrency).
  • Month 4. Holder JOY Approximately $15,000 (paid in cryptocurrency).
  • Month 5. Buyer JOY Approximately $15,000 (paid in cryptocurrency).
  • Month 6. Holder ECSTASY Approximately $240,000 (paid in cryptocurrency).


Three years from now we intend to be the standard in Savings and Investment cryptocurrency in the world.

Don’t lose this opportunity to take part in the revolution of the Bonds Industry! Join now!

Company name: KRYPTOBONDS

Company site:


Company contacts: Elias Rodriguez

Mobile: +49 (0) 160 6654555
