The surge in Ethereum price is a reflection of increased adoption of the technology in the industry for BC development. News
- 24498, an organization that hosts hackathons and is leading the development of Ethereum Studio, is accused of rewarding $50,000 in prize money to a cheating team in a competition it hosted.
1882Deloitte has joined the German energy company RWE Innogy and WanXiang Blockchain Labs as the third gold sponsor of the Ether.Camp 2016 Hackathon.
913Roman Mandeleil on Blockchain, smart contracts, hackathon, shared his experience as a hacker and information about Ethereum.
1512This week was rich with events that may cause a change in the value of bitcoin.
877Arguably one of the most eagerly awaited talks during the Ethereum'sDevCon conference in London was that of Marley Gray from Microsoft.
1957Day two of Ethereum Devcon1 was all about the development of DApps: distributed applications, the apps of the Ethereum ecosystem.