Peerplays, a global peer-to-peer betting platform built on top of the blockchain, is attempting to solve many of the industry's issues with the launch of its Peerplays blockchain on May 30, 2017.
Peerplays News
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- Press Release
Peerplays a peer-to-peer gaming and wagering platform designed to displace traditional sportsbooks and online casinos, has raised US$4 million in donations from strategic parties in advance of its crowdfund.
Peerplays announced today that they have innovated the Blockchain space with the creation of an open-source fee sharing module.
1452- Press Release
Peerplays gaming platform has innovated the blockchain space with the creation of an open-source fee sharing module which allows any Graphene-based blockchain to distribute profits directly to its token holders.
Peerplays, an online gaming and wagering platform which uses open-source Blockchain technology, introduced its DAO proposal in May.
1248- Press Release
DEBERT, N.S., June 10, 2016 - On May 31st, Peerplays introduced a proposal that asked the DAO stakeholders to consider contributing to the development of a fully blockchain-based gaming and tournament wagering network.
- News
The online gaming and wagering platform, Peerplays, is the first startup to be vying for funding. DAO is to begin reviewing and voting on proposals this week.
2302 - Press Release
The DAO is set to begin reviewing and voting on proposals this week to fund a new generation of blockchain technologies, and Peerplays is next in line for consideration.