BitFury NABC says a contentious hard-fork right now would be extremely detrimental to the bitcoin ecosystem.
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Following Ross Ulbricht's Silk Road conviction, extraordinary details have emerged about two of the investigating federal agents charged with extortion, fraud, and theft of bitcoins from the marketplace.
1780It is one day before TNABC kicks off officially and some major changes have just been announced.
693Perianne Boring is the president of the Digital Chamber of Commerce. The chamber will be hosting an Anti-Money Laundering Boot Camp at the North American Bitcoin Conference 2015 in Miami on January 16 and 17. Boring took time from her schedule to speak with Cointelegraph about the boot camp and the importance of compliance with AML regulations for companies in the Bitcoin industry.
768“Josh Garza will have an opportunity to speak, and attendees will have an opportunity to respond”, said conference founder Moe Levin. The news comes in the midst of the Paycoin controversy that CoinTelegrah covered Friday.
1555The GAW/Paycoin controversy has sparked online protests against TNABC for allowing Josh Garza to speak, but how far should it go?
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More than 1500 Bitcoin community members will soon be converging on Miami for a direction-setting conference aimed at driving the currency from speculation to mainstream. Building on the recent success of The North American Bitcoin Conference (TNABC) in 2013 and 2014, TNABC Miami will hit Miami Beach on January 16–18, 2015 at the historic Fillmore Theatre in Miami Beach.
940 The banks could soon find themselves with some competition after a new trade association opened up in New York in response to the draft of new regulations that was released last week.
635After the most experts from the Bitcoin community have voiced the opinion that the just started year of 2014 can be named after the currency and it will determine the most financial events and decisions.