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Provide liquidity on Treehouse to earn points for token rewards

Climb the Treehouse by adding liquidity and collecting points for big token rewards.
Climb the Treehouse by adding liquidity and collecting points for big token rewards.
Valuable token drop

Task Description

Treehouse is a decentralized DeFi protocol offering fixed-income products on the blockchain. The “Climb the Treehouse” campaign rewards participants with points for providing liquidity, which may be converted into future token rewards. Backed by $20.4 million in investments from Binance Labs, Mirana Ventures, and Lightspeed Venture Partners, Treehouse aims to provide users with stable, predictable returns within the DeFi space.

NFT holders in the Treehouse collection receive a 100% bonus to their point farming, further boosting their potential rewards.

Cost to participate: 0.02 ETH

Time to complete: 5 minutes

Risk level: Medium


Step 1

Connect to Treehouse: Visit this link and connect your wallet.

Step 2

Provide liquidity: Go to the “Deposit” section, deposit a minimum of 0.02 ETH, and confirm the transaction.

Step 3

Start farming: Leave your assets deposited to begin earning points.

Step 4

Invite friends: In the “Dashboard” section, create your referral link and share it to invite others. The more referrals, the more points you can earn.

Step 5

Boost your points: NFT holders of this collection earn a 100% point boost.

Project Description

Treehouse is a DeFi protocol that offers fixed-yield products, allowing users to earn steady returns on the blockchain. With $20.4 million in backing from major investors like Binance Labs, the protocol aims to make decentralized finance more predictable and accessible.


Please be aware that these are not the official deadlines. We’ve conducted a thorough search, but no confirmed information is available at the moment. However, we kindly recommend proceeding with urgency. As soon as we have accurate deadlines, we will promptly update the information on this page.

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