Update (Oct. 9, 8:25 am UTC): This article has been updated to add commentary from Munich Re and clarify that the insured staking offering is regulated in Germany, not Europe.

Bison, a cryptocurrency trading platform owned by the Böerse Stuttgart Group, has introduced an insured staking service for Ethereum users.

The new staking feature will allow customers to stake as little as 0.005 Ether (ETH) and earn weekly rewards.

The initiative is supported by German companies, including the global reinsurance firm Munich Re, which offers security against the common risks associated with cryptocurrency staking.

In a Q&A with Cointelegraph, a Munich Re spokesperson explained that the policy insures against slashing events caused by “double signing.”

“Double signing can happen when a validator contravenes specific rules of the Ethereum network […] The insurance protects against damage caused by technical failure, operating error or fraud, which can lead to the loss of some, or all of the ETH used.”

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Staking with insurance

Bison’s partnership with Munich Re and Staking Facilities — a German staking provider — will enable the crypto trading platform to provide insured ETH staking.

The insurance is designed to cover the primary risk of “slashing,” which occurs when a network penalizes validators for improper actions, potentially leading to a loss of staked ETH.

Munich Re’s policy also protects against operational errors, technical failures and potential fraud, meaning users can stake their assets with protection against some of the most common risks of staking.

The Munich Re spokesperson stated that the staking insurance “can support decentralization by lowering risks for participants, encouraging wider participation in staking.”

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Germany-compliant staking

All assets staked through Bison’s platform are held by the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority-licensed Böerse Stuttgart Digital Custody, ensuring compliance with German regulatory standards.

Meanwhile, Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin expressed support for solo staking.

Buterin acknowledged the idea of dropping minimum staking deposits to around 16–24 ETH for solo stakers to push the network toward improved security and decentralization.

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Börse Stuttgart, DZ partnership

On Sept. 19, Börse Stuttgart Digital, the group’s crypto division, partnered with DZ Bank to provide customers with crypto trading and custody services.

The partnership will enable approximately 700 cooperative banks under DZ Bank’s umbrella to offer retail customers digital asset access to cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin (BTC) and ETH.

The move will involve a phased roll-out plan beginning later this year and will initially enable select retail clients to test the new crypto trading options.

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