Jason Calacanis, an angel investor of Robinhood and Uber, says nearly all crypto projects are run by ‘delusional’ founders or idiots.
Jason Cassidy News
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- Analysis
The cryptocurrency ecosystem is agog with Bitcoin price so much that events happening around the underlying technology are forced to take a back seat from the eyes of the public.
129428 Blockchain-related domain names are becoming an increasingly hot commodity, mirroring the gold rush over .com names in the 1980s and 1990s.
82575Blockchain has expanded beyond finance, is now tackling monetization of unused assets, like bandwidth.
11791Blockchain can reach the erstwhile unreachable population and thus enable the highest level of disruption within the financial ecosystem.
13448Minimal launching costs and crowdfunding potential make startups choose the ICO model for fundraising
18848Several currencies followed in Dash’s footsteps by creating their own two-tier networks. Among these are PIVX, Crown, ExclusiveCoin and Helium, making masternode-based coins one of the latest trends in the Cryptosphere.
27945Blockchain alone doesn’t fix it - privacy can only be protected when all loopholes are closed, not with a single general technology.
12057While there are genuine products and judiciously executed ICOs, there have been reports of insincere setups that only succeed in reaping the masses of their wealth.
18662In less than 3 months, the price of Ether, the underlying cryptocurrency of Ethereum has risen from about $50 USD to almost $400 USD, while Ethereum Classic, its parallel chain has seen its underlying cryptocurrency ETC rise from about $2 USD to over $23 USD as at the time of writing.
36394The remittance industry is observed as one of the most ripe for disruption given the high costs that currently exist.
8777Bitcoin and major altcoins have recently experienced some significant volatility.
74991There are actors in the system sending thousands of transactions to themselves in order to add leverage to the block size debate.
20970Andreas Antonopoulos and other experts have denied having any connection with the advertisement of a Blockchain conference in Lagos, Nigeria on 14 and 15 August 2017.
10363How Bitcoin wallet providers and exchanges can get prepared a hard fork.