Litecoin’s MWEB upgrade, which makes transactions confidential, comes at a time when the majority of the crypto exchanges are implementing strict KYC and AML guidelines.
Mimblewimble News
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Crypto regulations in South Korea require exchanges to enforce strict KYC and AML guidelines and major crypto exchanges have delisted privacy coins in the past as well.
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Privacy opt-ins are coming to Litecoin even as regulators continue to scrutinize anonymity-boosting protocols.
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Former core Grin developer Gary Yu mined $118 worth of GRIN cryptocurrency in less than 24 hours with a Grin ASIC mining device.
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Beam updates details on its June 28 hard fork, laying out foundations for the firm’s future DeFi offering.
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Litecoin and Grin++ developer, David Burkett, has posted an April progress update on Litecoin’s Mimblewimble integration, claiming that a testing framework has been built and codebase integration has started.
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After successfully completing its first hard fork in August 2019, privacy coin Beam plans to execute its second hard fork in June 2020.
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David Burkett, a developer working on Litecoin and Grin, has predicted that Litecoin will launch its MimbleWimble testnet before the end of summer.
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Following reports on Mimblewimble’s flawed privacy, a Grin developer suggested a new solution.
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A researcher says that Mimblewimble's privacy is flawed as people are able to uncover the addresses for 96% of Grin transactions.
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The Litecoin Foundation has published two new draft Litecoin Improvement Proposals that work toward establishing privacy features for the network.
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The Litecoin Foundation has partnered with software development firm Beam to explore the implementation of a new protocol that would improve privacy and scalability.
12706 Rootstock (RSK) developer and Coinspect security consultant Sergio Lerner praised the development of privacy-focused proposal Mimblewimble after revealing his plans to integrate it into Rootstock 2.0.