Edward Snowden highlighted the importance of decentralization, sharing concerns about AI-driven surveillance and the influence of venture capitalists on blockchain.
NSA News
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As HBO’s documentary sparks fresh debate, a new report from 10x Research revisits theories about Bitcoin’s enigmatic creator, Satoshi Nakamoto, involving Nick Szabo and the NSA.
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CBDC developers have made little progress in developing products capable of "preserving privacy," and government is not complaining.
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Champions of the controversial bill say it’s essential to counter-terrorism efforts, while critics claim it will wreak havoc on U.S. citizens’ privacy.
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The FISA 702 bill has been described by critics as a “dramatic and terrifying” expansion of the United States government’s surveillance powers.
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The decade-old “NSA created Bitcoin” theory has again made the rounds on social media, with one Bitcoin advocate adding more weight to his ongoing theory.
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A U.S. circuit court has concluded its review of a terrorism financing case that begin in 2010, saying that the NSA's phone tapping was illegal but that it was a minor part of the evidence.
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Edward Snowden also brushed off claims that bitcoin is mainly used by criminals, arguing: “There are a hell of a lot more criminals that use the dollar.”
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New cryptojacking malware Beapy uses the leaked U.S. NSA hacking tools to spread through corporate networks.
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The tool that exploits Microsoft vulnerabilities to enable widespread crypto extortion has let malware proliferate this year, says a new report.
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The MIT Technology Reviews explores three hypothetical ways that Bitcoin could be “destroyed” in a new article.
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Grayscale Investments has released a report predicting that Zcash will reach over $62,000 per coin by 2025, assuming that by then the cryptocurrency will account for 10% of offshore wealth
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Much to-do has been made about privacy and data security, but consumers might actually allow companies to track their browsing in return for payment.
22273 WannaCry is, in fact, the second attack to make use of the NSA-exploited Windows loopholes, it has emerged.
16622In wake of the WannaCry cyberattacks, Blockchain offers security solutions.