The OECD’s policy paper highlights AI’s potential to reshape G7 tourism, enhancing sustainability and visitor experiences while addressing risks.
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Canada is aiming to have the OECD standard for crypto asset tax reporting in place by 2027, as agreed with 46 other countries.
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Former Representative Sean Patrick Maloney reportedly sent a letter to Senator Elizabeth Warren claiming he would recuse himself from crypto-related policy decisions at the OECD.
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The Crypto-Asset Reporting Framework is the new international standard for the automatic exchange of information between tax authorities.
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The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development found regulation and retail consumer protections lacking in a highly complex trading environment.
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The OECD said it planned to present the Crypto-Asset Reporting Framework to a meeting of G20 finance ministers and central bank governors on Oct. 12-13.
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According to the OECD, the crypto market posed a “significant risk” around tax transparency, claiming that any gains will eventually be lost without additional safeguards.
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The G20, OECD and other international agencies are set to implement a multilateral approach to tax policy to achieve sustainability goals.
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Sustainability and the need to lessen climate change amid the COVID-19 pandemic have become the global economic agenda.
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The director of the OECD’s tax center has revealed that the organization expects to release a tax reporting standard for crypto assets by the end of next year.
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A new WEF report touts blockchain technology as a cornerstone of environmental sustainability.
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The report suggests giving preferential tax treatment to PoS over PoW-based crypto assets.
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The three-year old Common Reporting Standard is uncovering offshore assets on a massive scale, highlighting cryptocurrencies as a potential alternative.
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How digital technologies can foster climate action in the context of the European Green Deal and enable global mobilization of SDG impact finance?
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The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development stated that regulators should facilitate the development of ICOs.