BitPay’s CEO Stephen Pair recently announced an innovative new program that could very well change the way the internet works on several levels. The new program, called Foxtrot, was designed to give internet users the security and privacy offered by the Bitcoin blockchain technology in everything they do online. While the new system is still in the early stages, foxtrot is currently available for download and BitPay plans on using it to empower their own systems.
Tony Gallippi News
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BitPay and Vaurum announced the addition of a seasoned regulatory adviser. Former Securities and Exchanges Commission Chair Arthur Levitt oversaw the U.S. agency for half a decade and is well-versed in U.S. financial regulations.
631BitPay continues to surprise the industry with its innovative and forward thinking. Today, the company unveiled a new pricing plan that includes basic payment processing free of charge.
526Organizers of the second North American Bitcoin Conference expect a big turnout for what they describe as “the most community-oriented TNABC yet.”
1079Bitpay is putting up some major money to get mainstream media attention on Bitcoin, by buying the naming rights to an NCAA college football bowl game.
542One good turn deserves another. After the success of January’s North American Bitcoin Conference in Miami, a second such conference has been announced for July 19 and 20 in Chicago.
587Cointelegraph recently interviewed one of the most prominent members of the Bitcoin community, Tony Gallippi, co-founder and CEO of BitPay, which develops tools to help merchants accept Bitcoin as a form of payment.
486Recently, Connie Gallippi succeeded to meet the press and to answer some questions about her past and present activities, attitude towards Bitcoin, charity work and other occasions.
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BitPay, a Bitcoin payment processor based out of Atlanta, signed up its 10,000 merchant in September. That’s 10,000 businesses now able to accept Bitcoin.
428 Living under the slogan “Credit Cards weren't designed for the Internet” ( BitPay launches new pricing for its customers featuring three different price groups.