Mar 31, 2018
Apr 21, 2018

Concierge is a Travel Booking Marketplace with 0% commission fees using the NEO Blockchain. Vendors and consumers can connect directly. We will accept fiat and crypto as payment for bookings. CGE is the utility token for the platform and operates on the NEO blockchain. Concierge offers a completely free model with no hidden fees, 0% booking and commission fees on bookings for the suppliers. also adding a peer to peer chat option between supplier and consumer along with Fiat and Cryptocurrency payment options.

Potential competition within the blockchain travel space are all using the Ethereum blockchain which operates on proof of work and at this point simply isn't scalable [with 15 Transactions per second], transaction costs are high, and it doesn't offer many benefits for real-life use. High economical costs from powering the mining network. transaction speeds one minute. was designed to be a real-world use platform and by utilizing the NEO blockchain it allows us to peg ourselves considerably above any of the potential competition within the crypto space. NEO offers 1,000 transactions per second with the aim to be running at 100,000 TPS by 2020 [as mentioned in neo devcon]. Costs per transaction on neo cos just a drop of gas [less Thant $0.001] NEO offers an eco-friendly approach by utilizing proof of stake. There are no high electrical fees as there are with ETH. Transaction speed around 30 seconds along with Government compliance with NEO consensus.

Project Team
Adam Chaplin
CEO & Founder
Steve Hipwell
Paul Spallini
CTO & Co-Founder
Matthew Lopez
CIO, CFO & Co-Founder
Cong Nguyen Van
Technical Project Leader
Slava Korobeynikov
Blockchain Product Manager
Dung Anh Trieu
Certified Blockchain Expert
Shakhruz Ashirov
Blockchain Engineer
Duong Thanh Tung
Tech Project Manager
Andy Nguyen
Blockchain Developer
Tuan Dang Thanh
Blockchain Developer
Tam Nguyen Thanh
Creative Designer
Hanh Truong Thi
Quality Assurance
Tony Bui
Technical Liason
Dominic Tunstall
Creative Designer
Anders Larsson
Sarah Kozlowski
Joakim Holmer
Nguyen Hong Dai
Debbie Ward
Simon Stevens
Indi Nainggolan
Tokens generation cap

100,000,000 CGE

Token distribution

65% ICO
15% Team
20% Reserved for future development

Tokens exchange

1 CGE = $0.35


0 - 3 h: 25%
3 - 6 h: 15%
6 - 12 h: 5%

Expect to raise

Soft Cap: $11,925,000
Hard Cap: $15,750,000 

Differences from competitors

"We also believe there are advantages for Concierge users against standard booking platforms. the likes of, kayak, Agoda - all charge an average of 30% booking fee on each booking to the supplier, this then gets passed onto the consumers. We are removing this commission altogether along with adding supplier and customer reviews."