
Oct 03, 2017
Nov 01, 2017

Enjin is introducing Enjin Coin (ENJ), a new ERC20 token that gives gamers, content 3 creators and game publishers the power to add virtual goods and value to their games and communities. The Enjin CMS website platform will have full support for these tokens in the next 6 months.

The team also develops a powerful framework of open-source software development kits (SDKs), wallets, game plugins and a payment platform. These will support the gamification of communities and virtual goods creation in games.

Project Team
Maxim​ ​Blagov​
CEO​ ​/​ ​Creative​ ​Director 
Witek​ ​Radomski​
Josh​ ​Woelfel​ 
Full​ ​Stack​ ​Engineer
Vyacheslav​ ​Volkov
C#​ ​/​ ​Objective-C​ ​Engineer
Lilia​ ​Pritchard
Marketing​ ​/​ ​Operations 
Brad​ ​Bayliss
Security​ ​Analyst​ ​/​ ​Full​ ​Stack​ ​Engineer
Evan​ ​Lindsay
Java​ ​/​ ​Game​ ​Server​ ​Engineer 
Chris​ ​Hirasawa
Quality​ ​Assurance​ ​/​ ​Community​ ​Manager 
Robin​ ​Hanson
Advisor​ ​on​ ​Social​ ​Science​ ​and​ ​Economics 
Ryan​ ​Lackey​
Security​ ​Advisor
Daniel​ ​He
Business​ ​Development​ ​/​ ​Economics​ ​Advisor
Frederick​ ​Heartline​
Roy​ ​Tay​
Asia​ ​Business​ ​Development​ ​/​ ​Chinese​ ​Liaison 
Tokens generation cap

1​,000,000,000 ​ENJ​ 


$25,000 USD - $50,000 USD receives a 15% Bonus
$50,000 USD - $100,000 USD receives a 25% Bonus
$100,000 USD - $1,000,000 USD receives a 35% Bonus
$1,000,000 USD - $2,000,000 USD receives a 40% Bonus
Over $2,000,000 USD receives a 45% Bonus

Tokens distribution

50%​ ​Development 
30%​ ​Marketing​ ​&​ ​Growth
5%​ ​Security  
5%​ ​Legal  
5%​ ​Hosting​ ​&​ ​Infrastructure  
5%​ ​Contingency  

Tokens exchange
WEEK 1: 1 ETH = 6,000 ENJ
WEEK 2: 1 ETH = 5,000 ENJ
WEEK 3: 1 ETH = 4,000 ENJ
WEEK 4: 1 ETH = 3,000 ENJ