Invest in Brokers

Aug 15, 2018
Sep 30, 2018

Invest platform is a feeless platform enabling trustless API-based copy-trading and the sharing of ideas and information.

The concept of Invest Platform is quite simple: 

An experienced investor, who has a proven track-record, can choose to share his trading strategy with other users. Beginners (or experienced traders who are in need of a break) can then follow any trader that shares his strategy on our platform, simply by subscribing to that particular trader.

Both the experienced trader and the user who subscribed to the trader are linked through an API. This way any sell or buy order the experienced trader makes is automatically copied to your account, on the exchange of your choice.

The main advantages of using an API service is that you remain in full control over your funds, private keys and choice of exchange (e.g. Bittrex, Binance, GDAX, Poloniex, Bitifinex). 

Our goal is to bring together beginning- and experienced traders in a win-win situation. Because of our platform, each user increases the opportunity to maximize their profits. The beginning trader does so by enjoying the skills and success of experienced traders; while experienced traders do so by having the ability to offer their paid services to a large audience.

Project Team
Mateusz Fraczek
Founder & CEO
Rafał Wlaz
CTO and Security Expert
Jonas Zeno
Mobile Applications and Blockchain Developer
Alex Kowalski
Lead Backend Developer
Pawel Dedio
Android Developer
Agnieszka Sasin
Marketing Expert
Lukasz Jackiewicz
Senior UI/UX Designer
Marcin Kurzepa
Frontend Developer
David Drake
Investor Relations Advisor
Simon Cocking
Marketing Advisor
Jason Hung
Strategy Advisor
Adnan Javed
Blockchain Advisor
Andrew McGlan
Strategy Advisor
Anthony Ginsburg
Technical Advisor
Emma Adkins
Investor Relations Advisor
Rumen Slavchov
Marketing Advisor
Token generation cap

210, 000, 000 INV

Token distribution

60% Public Sale
20% Core Team
13% Reserve Fund
5% Advisors
2% Bounty

Tokens exchange

1 INV = 0.0002 ETH


Presale 30%

Expect to raise

Hard cap: $ 15,000,000
