Pinnacle is the trading and investment platform that will become your primary point of access to the growing world of crypto, CFD, stocks, futures, and options investment. Pinnacle will be a full featured investment multiplex with truly automated trading features for beginners, and the very best trading tools for professionals. This platform will revolutionize trading cryptocurrency and world markets. Every single person can become a successful trader as long as they use the right tools and choose the trading style that fits their strengths and weaknesses. Pinnacle will allow traders to perform all trading tasks on one single platform. There are some websites and applications that will do some of the things that Pinnacle will do, but traders always end up having to login to multiple sites to get all of the functionality that they need. Pinnacle will be THE ONE application that traders need to perform all aspects of trading.
26,990,000 BRIL
25% Pre-ICO
75% ICO
1 BRIL = $1 USD
5% Referral
- "Access to every major trading exchange from the single Pinnacle platform and ability to execute all trading functions within the platform (PC, Mac, Android and iOS)
- Fully automated arbitrage trading within and between all exchanges
- Copy/follow professional traders as they place trades across multiple platforms simultaneously
- YamaCat Trading Course For Beginners to learn all skills necessary to be a competent trader in real time
- Extensive charting app for all exchanges with advanced AI trade pattern recognition/identification, automated trade execution, and trade setup alerts for professionals
- Pinnacle proprietary trading strategy signals (80%+ accuracy) with programmable execution for any exchange and any market
- Encrypted group messaging and monetized communications feature for professionals to offer trade recommendation subscriptions
- Specialized Pinnacle automated trading systems geared toward 1:1 trading of crypto and stocks with exceptionally low risk and consistently high rates of return
- Portfolio Investment Management Suite to track your holdings and actively help you build them for the short and long term
- Trading Strategy/Indicator Builder that will allow users to create their own tools, bots, and strategies for use with their accounts
- Traders Market for users to buy and sell their own tools, indicators, bots, subscriptions, and private group memberships"