
Jun 15, 2017
Jun 18, 2017

Supercomputer organized by network mining – ethereum-based network for globally distributed computing power.

The purpose of the SONM project is to provide safe and cost efficient way to run general purpose computing workloads from game servers to scientific calculations using a free market place.

Project Team
Max Taldykin
Smart-contract and SONM DAO developer
Jake Vartanian
SONM adviser. Blockchain Partners Director, Cryptodex Founder
Sergei Sergienko
Escrow agent, CEO
Roman Sivakov
Development and Dev-ops architect
Michail Ivanov
Dev-ops/System architect
Anastasiya Ashaeva
Machine learning and AI development
Oxana Lorie
Graphic/UI Design
Alexander Rugaev
SONM marketing adviser,
Alexey Antonov
Marketing & financial adviser
Vasiliy Ivanov
ICO and crypto community adviser
Sergey Ponomarev
Founder, creator of SONM multi-agent and blockchain technologies
Anton Tiurin
Lead SONM P2P and PaaS technology developer
Tokens distribution

1 ETH = 606 SNM tokens

Total token supply: 222000000 SNM

Crowdsale token supply: 177800000 SNM

Nountu campaign: 2000000 SNM

SONM team: 22200000 SNM (10%)

SONM Ecosystem fund: 20000000 SNM

Expected to raise

Max cap: 586740 ETH

Minimal threshold: 20000 ETH