
Aug 14, 2017
Sep 17, 2017

Substratum is developing an open-source foundation for the decentralized web, providing free and unrestricted access to content for a new Web 3.0. The Substratum Network is a worldwide collection of nodes that uses industry-leading cryptography to deliver secure content anywhere, all without the need for VPNs or Tor. 

Substratum will revolutionize the hosting industry with per-request billing via microtransactions, all handled by blockchain technology and artificial intelligence.

Project Team
Justin Tabb
Solutions Architect
Abram Cookson
Lead Software Developer
Jason Wollam
Senior Software Engineer
Kevin Marois
Senior Software Engineer
Michael Stockwell
Jason Burns
Design Lead
Tokens generation cap

600,000,000 SUB

Token distribution

10% Tokens required for use by Platform as Fuel Founders receive 1 million Substrate each (max of 16 million) upon completion of the first milestone (Release of Version 1 of software)

Tokens exchange

ICO WEEK 1: 3 000 SUB = 1 ETH
ICO WEEK 2: 2 500 SUB = 1 ETH
ICO WEEK 3: 2 050 SUB = 1 ETH
ICO WEEK 4: 1 500 SUB = 1 ETH


Bonuses available using referral codes and referral code will be provided to any participates once they contribute. They can then share that referral code with others and receive a percentage of that users purchase.

Differences from competitors

DecentralizedDNS (keep your domain name)
Use of popular backend technologies at launch of version 1 (PHP/MySQL, Wordpress, ASP.NET, Python)
Per Request Billing for Hosts
Earn Money While You Sleep by Running a Node.
No special Software, use your default browser
Uncensored internet for China & Russia without VPN or TOR Substratum. Foundation of the Decentralized Web. Earn Cryptocurrency. Change the World.