Oct 16, 2017
Nov 03, 2017

IMMLA's mission is to make it easy for а cargo owner and freighters to connect and collaborate through decentralized service. The service uses Blockchain and smart contract technology to eliminate the problem of trust, information barriers and legal costs. IMMLA assembled а consortium of experts from industry leaders to avoid shortcomings of potential competitors when creating the IMMLA multimodal transportation service. 

IMMLA is founded on the basis of SoftВusinessSolutions - IT-company with logistic focus, Global Transport lnvestments and Hellmann Worldwide Logistics - industry leaders bу market share, and Mera Capital - project management company that led over 5 successful IPOs. 

Project Team
Kirill Tulenev
Executive director
Viacheslav Neunyvakin
IT-director, co-founder
Vitaliy Sosnovskiy
Senior Developer
Vitaliy Stepanov
Development director
Mikhail Astakhov
Ninel Tufino-Gerlakas
Leading analyst
Valeria Rasulova
ICO Project manager
Pavel Drobintsev
Technical Advisor PhD in Technical Science
Alexander Gromov
Logistic advisor
Michael Hess
Logistic advisor
Denis Smirnov
Blockchain advisor
Formag Forwarding
International Logistic Advisor/Partner
Token generation cap

226.736.000 IML

Available during sale:
184.336.400 IML

Tokens exchange

1 ЕТН = 3640 IML