
Oct 10, 2017
Oct 18, 2017

The Notary Platform is the first mobile application which enables you to engage in contracts on the go. With the help of the app, you can sign a contract wherever, whenever, and without a third party involved.

The Notary Platform (NTRY) can be integrated in almost any life scenario. It offers you the freedom to create contracts for your own purposes and events, wherever you want, without the before-needed third party, and for a fraction of the cost.

Project Team
Sašo Verčko
CEO & Co-Founder
Iztok Peruš
Ph.D., CDIO, Founder
Bilal Arif
CIO & Head of Developers
Anita Žvikart
Robert Klinc
Ph.D., Developer
Yumna Ghazi
Blockchain Developer
Basit Raza
Blockchain Developer
Miha Peruš
Front-End Developer
Žiga Turk
Ph.D., scientist and former minister
Luka Pregelj
Legal advisor and business consultant
Saša Einsiedler
Author, Speaker, DreamBuilder Coach
Matej Grušovnik
App & UX Designer
Gregor Šebijan
Digital Creative Director
Token generation cap

150,000,000 NTRY

Token distribution

80% ICO
10,084% Team
3,35% Advisors:
0,333% Bounties
0,667% Apps bounty hunters
2% Reserve

Tokens exchange

1 NTRY = $0,11
