In the UK, seven of the largest cryptocurrency companies in the world have formed the first self-regulating trade body, CryptoUK. News

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Korea is taking the Chinese approach to new ICOs, however, those already established are being further legitimized as Zcash is added to Bithumb.
17763You have some Bitcoins but don’t know where to spend them? Look no further than this article.
23173Visa is in hot competition to serve the unbanked as Blockchain startups such as BitPesa make ever-increasing inroads., one of the earliest and largest Bitcoin cloud mining and exchange companies, has reported passing a milestone of $40M worth of deposits from bank credit cards, also announcing the plans to add margin trading.
1557Regulatory bureau for banks within the United States Department of the Treasury called for a “balanced” approach to Bitcoin regulation and more news
463Bitcoin is the fastest growing sector for startup investment; Keybase raises over 10 million in investment round Led by Andreessen Horowitz and other news.
73621 Inc. plans to embed ASIC bitcoin mining chips into everyday devices, BitGo is said to be patenting Bitcoin's multi signature capabilities, and more news.
1402With the promise of the moon for its users without the need to purchase expensive mining equipment, the cloudmining industry has been experiencing its ups, and recently, its downs.
1560In a less than graceful tweet, Jeffrey Smith, the CIO of, announced that the company would be pausing mining for its users.
1490CEX.IO and Ghash.IO have announced several major upgrades including the ability for customers to make purchases using fiat currency for the first time.
549Every week, Cointelegraph will do a roundup of all the businesses and the altcoins we have added during the week to our catalogs.
572Cointelegraph concludes its review of a selection of the most popular cloudmining providers with the all-important overview of just how much money is involved for potential users.
659CEX.IO is a multi-functional platform, which embodies Bitcoin crypto exchange and the leading cloud mining service.
676CoinSummits' exclusive, high profile Bitcoin event.